Introducing the mobile voucher platform COUPONFREE.
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CouponFree for users APP
A choice for frugal consumption Find mobile gift certificates and coupons at CouponFree!
CouponFree offers a variety of mobile gift certificates at the lowest price. CouponFree helps you shop economically by using discount coupons issued by affiliated stores.
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- income deduction
CouponFree for affiliated stores APP
Mobile voucher platform Please manage our store with coupons!
Mobile voucher platform for small businesses that starts right away with easy subscription without initial deployment costs In addition to promoting my store, I also support the convenient QR payment of discount coupons and mobile gift certificates that I issue myself. Customized solution for my store to gift certificate market
- Point payment
- Issuance of free/paid coupons
- Giving a coupon
- Managing Frequent Customers